The past 2 weekends (yes, 2!) I have cleaned out, organized and scrutinized my prodigious fabric stash. And then I culled the herd.
I have been saving "quilt scraps" from projects for as long as I have sewn. [No admissions on my age, or that of my scraps, but they are all pre-Watergate era] Back then, I didn't know anything about quilting, so I saved everything. Now that I know a little more, I only quilt with natural fibers, mostly cotton, and no blends. So, I threw out every tiny piece of fabric that was not 100% single-fiber, or, whose fiber content was unknown. I filled 3 42-gallon trash bags.
I then separated out every large remnant that is usable, but which I didn't necessarily want. The stack is over 4-ft high. At this point I wish to stress to my husband (who will read this on Facebook), that NONE of my fabric rejects were pieces that I purchased, and changed my mind about. They are instead, mostly pieces that I was given by kind friends, won in raffles, and remnants of pieces that I sewed up (and wore), but had some leftovers.
I should like to divest myself of these treasures.
This is where you, dear readers, come in: Some of the lots are pictured below, with measurements and brief details. If you desire to have any of them for your very own, here is how you 'buy' them:
For every lot of fabric(s) that you want, you must donate 1 hour of your time to any one of the following worthy causes:
Habitat for Humanity
The Humane Society
your local children's hospital
your local women's shelter
Veteran's Administration Hospital or Home
the Public Library
the Church, Synagogue or Mosque of your choice
E-Mail me at: with your choice of fabric lot(s), what you have done to earn it, and your physical address, and it is yours. That's all there is to it.
Each day, until I run out, I shall post more pictures of offerings, and update the existing list. Here are today's offerings:

Remember Supplex?? These were purchased in 1990. This is a woven Nylon that resists water, and wicks well. It is great for men's swim shorts, or windbreakers. The print is 1.5 yds X 62W, and the purple is 1.125yd X 56W.

This lot has 3 cut pieces , 56 X 45, dbl border, and 1 allover design that measures 31 X 43. They are gauze, purchased at a Sari shop in Houston's Harwin St. I think I intended them for curtains (which is why they are cut) but they didn't suit. Added is a triangle of stretch velour that matches the gauze perfectly. Coincidence. The triangle measures 1.5 yd long X 56 at widest point. I don't know why I have this.
This lot found a home with a lovely young sewist who helped the youth of a neighborhood church (not even her own home church!) organize and manage an art sale to raise funds for their philanthropic endeavors. Way to go!!!

This is a re-embroidered cotton batik that I bought at the Souks in Dubai in 2004. It is an uncut piece of 2yd X 45, plus a cut piece of nearly a yd. The picture doesn't do the red/gold/bronze embroidery justice.
This one is gone.
These 2 pieces used to be sheets, and are still hemmed. I did NOT buy the plaid sheet. Probably, it came from my mother, who never saw a linen sale she didn't love. At one point someone cut it up for something. It now measures: one piece of 2.3 yd X 84, and a piece of 1 yd X 42. Also in this lot are 5 panels (used to be curtains) of cotton/poly batiste that measure
2.25 yd X 21, each.

These 2 pieces are Daisy Kingdom cotton prints. The peach one is "Little Lamb # 20428" It has a double border, and measures 1.625 X 42.
The pink one is "Kitty Angel #15411" It measures 2 yd X 42. Someone is sure to love these.
All of these fabrics are from a smoke-free home of cat-lovers. Do not be surprised if your fabric has great tufts of white hair from my beloved, late Kitty Dave, or a fine sprinkling of little black hairs from my sweet Maximus. They like to be nearby when I sew.
Tomorrow I shall post more pictures, and an update of your fine efforts on behalf of your community.