And therein squats the toad.
Oh! This sash has entailed more time and energy than the entire rest of the dress.
First, the original green fabric [wedding colours are purple, green and pink(s)] that I chose was hideous. Really. Bright, bilious, too yellow -- just awful. That was rectified with a quick trip to our local quilt shop, The Whistling Chicken. I found a lovely greyed-green by Moda that really works with the lilac eyelet of the dress. (Pictures of which I shall post when it is done. Be patient.)
My original thought was to construct deep pleats for the front section of the sash, mirroring the pleats in the hem; and then, embroider some pink flowers on top of the pleats.

That did not work.
Doubtless, someone with more experience with machine embroidery than I would have known the problem. Not I. I had to ruin 2 pleated sections before realizing that when the embroidery hoop moves the fabric in the opposite direction of the pleats, it will catch them up, turn them in strange and unpredictable directions, and be unable to disentangle itself in the next move, thus jamming the machine, and tearing fabric. Good thing I bought plenty!
So, then I thought that I would embroider a flat piece of fabric, cut around it, and applique it to the pleated section. Alas, the design that I love the best for this has too many tiny edges to be trimmed, and stitched well.
Now for the dilemma:
I have 2 front pieces.
One is pleated, and pressed nicely,

The other is embroidered - oh(!) so pretty.
Which to use?????
Your opinions on this matter are greatly appreciated.
BTW: the wedding is in May, and I need to get this in the mail, so . . .
Perhaps this is my embroidery cluelessness, but could you overlay some Solvy on top of the pleats when you hoop it, so that the foot can't catch on the pleats?
ReplyDeleteI love a full pleated sash! You could also use the embroidered section as a center front panel, and stitch the pleated sash to the sides, like an obi style belt. Then you'd get the fullness of the pleats in the bow, without having to embroider them.
Both are great ideas!
ReplyDeleteI shall give them both consideration, and, if I can find this 'Solvy' of which you speak (remember: I live in a retail wasteland, and have a time crunch), I shall try that.
Thank for the tips.