Any sewer/quilter/knitter/weaver/crafter with a modicum of experience knows that when a pattern promises that you can complete a project in a weekend, they are assuming that your weekend starts when you get home on Friday night, ends very late on Sunday evening, and that you do nothing between the two than WORK ON YOUR PROJECT.
That said, I didn't expect this little table runner to take 3 weeks to complete!
Understand, there was nothing wrong with the instructions -- they were well-written, concise, and easy to understand. Every part went together easily. The problem was mine. My life is sometimes complicated. Even my days off are rarely [read: VERY rarely] labor-free. So, an entire weekend to cut, stitch, quilt and bind, even something small, simply wasn't to be. Still -- it was a very pleasant 3 weeks!

If I had a complaint, it would be that while the pattern is reversible (as promised), once it is quilted, I only like the way the quilting looked on the 'diamond' side. Maybe a more subtle quilting stitch would have made me feel different, but, I am very happy with the results anyway. I didn't really require that it be reversible. If I decide I am tired of looking at it, as is -- I can always whip up another table runner some weekend . . .
Nice little (3) weekend project! I always laugh at those claims - that and the "one hour" patterns. Seriously?? Even I don't sew that fast...
ReplyDeleteThe fabrics you chose are nice together, and I can see them working well in the house.
ReplyDeleteIt does provide a nice, cheery note!