I finished the Grand-girls' dresses. Oh(!) My stars! I can hardly handle how gaudy-cute they are. Really -- the riot of bright and bilious pinks, paisley, dots and stripes is a significant affront to all that is tasteful.
Myra and Emma are going to love them!!!
I started with a pattern from modkid that was on sale @ Waechter's (one of several places in Asheville that I plan to pleasantly haunt after I die). This purchase was made in August, with no immediate plans for use. That changed a couple of weeks ago, when a post-holiday sale at House of Fabric included 3 of the brightest Hot Pink prints at 60% off. I made a wild guess and bought 3/4 yard of each. Once I started laying the pattern out, I realized that my estimate was conservative in the extreme. a quick trip to Needle Me This netted 2 more prints -- the pink/brown batik and the bright stripe -- and a search through my stash added the narrow stripe, solid (Emma's dress) and the pale pink spot (Myra's dress).
I mightn't have needed so much more fabric, had I omitted the hood -- but, I had no intention of doing that!!!

Otherwise the instructions mostly made sense, except for the hood. I was instructed to completely construct the hood, and its lining, then set it aside until the bodice was completely constructed. Why not just include its construction at the time it is attached???
Overall, these were fun to make!
I shall include pictures of the girls' wearing them, as soon as I receive them. [AHEM!!]
Added, 17 Jan 2014
As promised, some adorable pic's of one of the dresses, modeled by its new owner.
I give you, HRC Myra, Princess of Hearts: