This began as a "Mystery Quilt" retreat at my local quilt shop, Needle Me This. Intended to teach quilting skills, it didn't take long for me to learn something about myself: I don't like working on a project and not knowing my goal. For me, "Mystery Quilting" is a bad idea. This is no fault of the teachers or their excellent written instructions. The step-by-step guide, augmented with sketches, was well-written, and did not miss any needed steps. I followed along, and achieved the desired results. I just felt uneasy the whole time, not knowing if I was on the right track, or not. Had their been a picture of the finished project, I would had caught on quicker, and enjoyed myself more. That would, however, have defeated the purpose of the "mystery". So, I learned something useful about myself. Mission accomplished!

This quilt began with cutting fabric into 5 in squares, and those squares being sewn into a 4-patch of precise order.

Each of 120 4-patches was then sub-cut, and re-arranged, then re-sewn to make a pinwheel.
Then, each (of 120) pinwheels was sub-cut into 9 tiny squares, some of which were re-arranged, then re-sewn to make a diamond, surrounded by bars.
Then, the newly re-designed squares were sewn together in a precise arrangement to make a larger 4-patch which featured diamonds and crossed lines that resemble an Argyle plaid.

Fascinating as this was, I was starting to lose interest in the whole project. Plus, looking at those tiny squares, diamonds, and bars was making me bleary-eyed. And this process was to be continued until it was Queen-sized??? Not by this quilting queen!
So, I decided to let my creative juices flow! With feedback from hubby, and daughter, I quit sub-cutting the pinwheel-squares (having made 120 of them assembly-line style), and sewed them together for a boarder. then I added strips of batiks whose colors went with those all ready used, and repeated this process until I had pieced a Queen/King sized top. [reducing a process that may well have taken months, into 3 days]
Ta da!!!
How do you like it? As soon as the backing fabric (a cream and cafe-au-lait batik) I have ordered arrives, it is off to a friend with a long-arm quilter, to be quilted, then I shall bind it, and be completely done. For now, I feel that most of my work is done, so I am finished. Whew!!
One more thing: I didn't realize it, until it was done, and hung for the pictures, but there is a major flaw in it. At least, it is obvious to me. No one else I have asked can find it, so I am disinclined to rip out 1000+ stitches and re-do it. But, I am wondering if someone else might see it??
Ergo, I propose a contest: to the first one of my eagle-eyed readers who finds, and can describe to me the flaw, I will give one whole piece of fabric from my stash of his/her choosing. (from among the considerable array of choices I will make available).
And now, I am off to cut out some clothes to make!!