My pitiful knitting efforts are mostly confined to blankets, scarves, and flat things without fit or shape. very. basic. knitting.
Once in a while, however, I see a yarn that must be made into a baby's blankie. Such was the case with this lovely, feathery, brightly-coloured yarn. I saw it last June, when my youngest granddaughter, Emma Rose, was still a grandfetus; but I knew the blankie had to be.
Why do I call it the Muppet blankie??? There's a story: when I first spied the yarn, it was its paler, more dignified pastel cousin that I intended to use. However, my daughter, Varina was shopping with me, and she preferred the bright one, claiming that it would bring favor with Emma Rose's dad, as it represented the colors of Muppets Sesame Street characters. A spirited (read: knock-down, drag-out) conversation ensued, culminating in my calling my son for his opinion. Daniel did, in fact, prefer the Muppet colours.
Only after starting the blankie was Varina's diabolical long-term plan revealed: she intends to wait 4 - 5 years, when Emma Rose is thoroughly enthralled with all things Sesame Street, and tell her that the blankie is made of actual Muppets. The yellow is Big Bird's feathers, the red is Elmo fur, the green is Oscar the Grouch hairs . . . Poor, poor Emma Rose.
My concerns may turn out to be moot. As you can see, when I laid the blankie out to take its picture, Fergus ju
I may need to get some more yarn for Emma Rose.
It will be genteel pastels.